Are You Listening?


This is such a powerful statement! In today’s world, we are bombarded with the ‘solutions’ to our problems.  We have access to more information than we can handle, with the internet, self help books, motivational speakers, and you can always find someone willing to give their opinion 😉

The funny thing is we don’t need all of this stuff to find the answers to our questions.  When we came into this world, we were gifted with this beautiful treasure box of answers.  The key is just to listen, and to listen with love.

Listening, and listening with love can be really challenging.  We have gotten so used to looking for outside help when it comes to OUR life that when our intuition is screaming at us, we don’t trust it enough to listen.  Or we doubt that we could possibly have the answer.  We have to retrain ourselves to trust the voice within us.

“You are a divine being connected to a constant flow of love and wisdom.  Trust your Magnificence!” Anna Taylor

This takes practice. Quieting the mind can be one of the most challenging things to do but it is so worth the effort. 

Tips to Help You Quiet Your Mind and Open Your Treasure Box

Take Moments During the Day to Just Listen and Feel Your Breath. 

Put sticky notes in your car, by your bed, on your fridge that say ‘listen’.  I like to set the timer on my phone for 5 minutes and just sit on my bed and breathe.  You don’t need fancy candles, an alter or any statues, just your bed and maybe a comfy pillow:) Of course my mind wanders but I just gently and kindly bring it back.  I have the timer set so I don’t have to worry about anything.  Just me and my breath 🙂

Take a Minute to Awaken Your Senses

Bring awareness to your feet, open your ears and listen.  What sounds do you hear?  Maybe listening from loudest to softest.  Do you smell anything?  Awakening your senses helps to bring you into the moment and is really good for quieting down that monkey chatter.

Take a Walk

Even if its just around your house or around your building.  I promise you that even 5 minutes a day of quieting the mind will make a difference.  You will begin to crave it and you make time for more of it 🙂

Listen to Your Intuition

“Your intuition is a muscle, to develop it you must listen.”~ Phil Good.  Listen to those inner whispers and record them.  Lets be honest, most of us have our phone handy at all times.  Set up a note page just for inner wisdom.  You will be amazed when you look back at how intuitive you really are.  If you don’t carry your phone around with you put a small notepad in your purse, works just the same.

Practice Yoga!!

Practice for at home, find a studio you like or practice at your gym.  If your new to yoga or nervous about taking a class set up a private session with a local instructor.  Nothing like a good yoga practice to clear the mind.

Remind Yourself of What Makes You Happy

“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love.  It will not lead you astray.”~Rumi.  Remind yourself of what makes you happy and do that! That is a sure way to awaken your intuition.  Do things that make your heart sing and your soul dance.

For more information about Melora, yoga or private/small group sessions visit Serenity Tree Yoga.  Would love to hear from you in the comments sections.  Did you find this helpful, what are your ways of quieting your mind? You never know, your way may be just what another person needs to hear 🙂


Making Peace With Your Body


Choose to be Unstoppable!!