Making Peace With Your Body


One of the best keys to happiness is acceptance.  Acceptance of yourself as you are in this moment.  NO, that doesn’t mean you can’t strive to be stronger or eat healthier; it just means that along this amazing, bumpy journey of ours, it makes the road easier to travel.  Light heart, light feet 🙂

And let’s face it…love it or hate it, your body is yours for the duration.  There are no refunds or returns, which is why it is so important to make peace with your body.  To transform your body into a beloved partner you respect, honor and appreciate.

“I find that when we really love and accept and approve of ourselves exactly as we are, then everything in life works” Louise Hay

By imposing harsh judgments upon yourself, you truly limit your experiences.  Think about how often you avoided a bathing suit because you felt uncomfortable.  What message are you sending yourself?? That you’re not good enough?   What message are you sending to those around you?

How empowering would it feel to walk across the beach, loving your body, loving yourself, sending out the energy that I am beautiful?  And if you believe in the power of attraction, you know that what you put out there is what you receive. 

Here are some great ways to learn to love your body.  I’m not saying that it is easy, but the more you are aware, the more practice, the more you find this amazing friendship and love with who you are, faults and all.

  • Yoga is a wonderful way to practice making peace with your body.   Remind yourself as you step on the mat to release judgment and criticism.  Allow yourself to let go of any predetermined expectations and just let it be. 

  • Replace criticism with appreciation for wherever you are in your practice that day, and know each day will be different.  You will be amazed at how your yoga practice opens up for you when you just let it be what it needs to be for you at that moment.

  • *When you catch yourself being critical of your body, just smile and say, “nope, not gonna do that today,” and replace it with appreciation.  If you don’t like the way your arms look, remind yourself of how difficult it would be without them, and send them some gratitude.   The same goes for the rest of your body.

  • Make friends, play nice 🙂

  • Awareness, practice, awareness, practice

  • And remember, “the relationship you have with your body is the most fundamental and important relationship of your lifetime.  It is the blueprint from which all other relationships will be build.” Cherie Carter-Scott

For more information about Melora, yoga or private/small group sessions, visit Serenity Tree Yoga.  Would love to hear from you in the comments section.


Green Smoothie Madness :)


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