What Does Forgiveness Look Like?


Day 6 of the #shineurlightproject ~ What does forgiveness look like? Forgiveness takes on many forms for me, but mostly it is freedom. The freedom to live my life without someone else’s burden. Without my own burden. Our minds sometimes can’t let go. It rolls situations over and over, replaying events of the past, hurting us over and over until we feel as if it just happened, and we are grieving that pain and betrayal. It is so important to stop and really look at what this is doing to us. To set those situation free. Open your heart, set your intentions and let your heart and soul heal.

I also find this with motherhood. I have to forgive myself on almost a daily basis. I remember thinking when I was little that moms had it all figured out. Haha that’s total BS. Everyday my brain starts to tell me ‘your not giving them enough veggies, they can’t live on PB&J (actually they can but that’s for another day), they should be outside more, your letting them play on electronics too much, your shouldn’t have raised your voice, you shouldn’t have said that, you should quit working and play with them, shoot you embarrassed the kids again, it’s probably not Ok to have the text tone ‘I’m going streaking’ from the movie Old School on my phone’. Actually, my kids had to tell me that one 😉Anyway, on the regular I have to forgive myself. Not because of any of these things, but because sometimes I let myself get entangled in them. They weave their crazy little webs and create doubt that I’m not doing enough or being enough. That’s when I tell myself to shut the hell up, and I forgive myself for even thinking that way. It is such a relief to remind myself, and such a sense of freedom to know that actually, I’m doing a pretty damn good job. The kids have shelter, clothing and food. Basic needs check. The other stuff, I’m doing the best I can. And sometimes just to mess with the kids, I set that ‘I’m going streaking’ back on my phone.

If you want to play along be sure to follow our hosts and show support for your fellow challengers by commenting and letting them know you got their back. Together we are stronger 💗

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