You Are A Badass


If you were to ask the people who love you the most what they see when they look at you, would your view of yourself align? We all see life through our own unique emotional filters so it’s very natural for perceptions to vary. However sometimes, the discrepancy is that those around you see you as strong, inspiring, and totally awesome and you see someone undeserving of love, success, freedom, and peace.

If I’m being totally honest right now, I’ve felt like a total disaster these last few weeks and I’m learning to love myself and the mess just as much as the next person. As a citizen that has to leave my house and put pants on every day, I feel pressure to always be put together, made up and done up, and not look like the total hot mess that I really am. As a yoga teacher, I find myself often wondering, “Who am I to teach? Do I even have what it takes?” As a daughter, wife, sister, and a friend, I am constantly wondering if I am calling, listening, supporting, loving, and inspiring enough, spending enough time, giving enough of myself to those I love. All of that… well, it’s downright exhausting. Of course, we should question, introspect, and be growth-oriented and we all have some insecurity, sure, especially if this is a season of change or transition, but the bottom line is: you have a gift to give to the world and you waste it by constantly second-guessing and thinking of yourself as anything less than amazing.

Everything this month, from a partial lunar eclipse and full solar eclipse to a full moon in Aquarius and Mercury in retrograde, is encouraging a reset. This is a time for reevaluating current paradigms, lessening your load, shedding skins that no longer serve you. Sounds like a perfect time to let go of the insecurities that are holding you back from the life you’ve always dreamed of or from embodying your most authentic self. Perhaps it’s time to start updating your story about yourself to one that is true and productive. Perhaps it’s time to really and truly fall in love with yourself as you are right now.

I love this quote by Jen Sincero, author of You are a Badass:

“You are perfect. To think anything less is as pointless as a river thinking that it’s got too many curves or that it moves too slowly or that its rapids are too rapid. Says who? You’re on a journey with no defined beginning, middle or end. There are no wrong twists and turns. There is just being. And your job is to be as you as you can be. This is why you’re here. To shy away from who you truly are would leave the world you-less. You are the only you there is and ever will be. I repeat, you are the only you there is and ever will be. Do not deny the world its one and only chance to bask in your brilliance.”

Take a step back over the next few weeks and really start to notice the way you speak about yourself, the stories you tell yourself, and what you think you’re capable of. There are no bounds, nothing too out of reach or too impossible for you to achieve if you set your heart to it. So believe in yourself. Instead of focusing on the things you don’t like, find one thing you do like about yourself every day and own it. Surrender to your fears, insecurities, shadows and know that they are part of your wholeness. Step into the power that’s already within you and, with that power, give to the planet what only you can give, unburdened by the weight of expectations or self-doubt. Know that when you choose to share your light, the whole world becomes infinitely brighter… so burn bright, beautiful yogis. 🙂 ~ Morgan Rhodes


Thank You


Unplug and Plug-in