Hurricanes And Their Toll On Our Mental Health


If not kept in check our bodies can become magnets for stress. Hurricanes are extra special in that department. Hurricane stress can hit us days before we even see any wind. It’s usually at that point, the weather channel gets turned on. As a hurricane gets closer anxiety rises as we soak in all the energy from the news, which is now on a 24 hour cycle. Even if we find it will be a smaller hurricane we worry for ourselves, our family, our property. So many things to worry about it is hard to keep track.

The storm has now passed but what about all that energy build up. Does it just dissipate?? Sometimes. But the majority of the time we just store it in the body. We have become so familiar with the angst and worry that we most times don’t even realize it, until we make the conscious decision to let it go. Are you still holding on?

Few Things to Help Remove Some of That Energy

1. Dancing  ~ Dancing will always be my number one. Movement releases endorphins, and helps release stress hormones out of your body.
2. Walk/Dance in the rain
3. Aura Cleansing ~ Physically move your hands around your body mentally clearing away any negative energy. Burning sage or palo santo can also be helpful. This can also be done while dancing.
4. Take a salt bath ~ A warm bath can remove built up lactic acid which relives sore muscles and aids in relaxation.  This helps the body to release tension, stress and negativity. You can get creative and add some of your favorite essential oils.
5. Practice Gratitude ~ When experiencing challenges or negativity practicing gratitude helps you to stay grounded and peaceful. It is a way to help you bring everything into perspective.
6. Practice Kindness ~ There is research that proves giving makes us feel good. When we practice kindness – both to ourselves and others – it shifts your feelings from negative to positive.
7. Get out in the sun! Walk outside put your feet in the grass. Got to the beach, get your feet in the sand. Get outside!
8. Last but definitely not least ~ Yoga. As mentioned above movement releases endorphins and helps release stress hormones out of your body. Yoga is healing for the body, mind and the soul. Combine 7 & 8, and you can’t go wrong 😉

Most importantly, find what works best for you.

Have you checked your energy lately…


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