Cheers :)


I believe that New Years Eve should be a time of celebration. A time to look back over the year at your accomplishments, how much you have grown, realizing the strength you never knew you had. Every year we grow, and the more challenging the year, the more we grow. Instead, what I hear most is “thank goodness that year is over”. And then we sometimes set these crazy resolutions/expectations for ourselves. For most of us – there lies this underlying belief that we are not good enough as we are. Yes, growth is good, setting intentions…love it. But it is so important that these intentions are rooted in love, otherwise, our foundation might not be strong enough to hold these intentions. What are these intentions based out of? For me, my biggest struggle was feeling like I should be able to do it all. This year I am going to cook for the family more ( I hate to cook), and I’m going to keep the house clean and organized, which is kind of a joke because I am not that person. These intentions came out of judgment and fear that I wasn’t doing enough. Am I still setting intentions for those things, yes, but in much smaller doses, more my speed. And I’m kinder to myself if the kids eat noodles and cheese –again. I also have someone now that helps me keep the house clean. Talk about a game changer. Now my intentions can focus on things based on a love for myself – the woman I have been, the woman I am now, and the woman I want to grow into.

So yes, set those intentions/resolutions, but let go of the judgment. Creating realistic goals for ourselves is a wonderful way to grow and make our journey even more fabulous. But set them for yourself, not anyone else, and root them in love. Remind yourself that you are not bad because you ate a big piece of Key Lime Pie or fed the kids PB&J again. You are worthy of love whether you go to the gym or not, you are worthy of love if your house is a mess. You are worthy of love no matter what!

So…Cheers to a new year of growth and strength but double cheers to all that you already are. Cheers to your awesomeness, cheers to all of your accomplishments and strengths, cheers for being you!




Are Your Priorities in Check?